Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Just A Little More About Me........

   So as I said I'm new to this whole Wicca thing, so right now I'm not just doing a lot of researching, and learning, and trying to meet new people in this lifestyle. (Which is turning out to be harder then I thought) I have no supplies or anything like that, but I'm saving up and going to get some stuff that I have seen, that I have either liked or thought that I might need.
   But anyways, been doing a lot of reading, and I have to say I am interested in learning how to read auras, I was planning on practicing today, but I got little or no sleep last night, and not really relaxed. So I'm going to have to wait until a day that I'm well rested and able to relax, because that's the first thing about learning anything new right. Got to be completely relaxed, right?
   I have also find a herbal recipe, that is suppose to help with headaches, so I'm interested in trying that out too, since I get headaches a lot.  I also find a herbal recipe that is suppose to help you relax and sleep, and after last night I'm thinking I may need to try that out too. But anyways I'll try those out in time, so for now I'll keep reading, researching, learning all that I can, and hopefully meet some other people that I'll able to talk to, maybe learn from, and so forth.

Thank you for reading,

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