Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Basic rules of wicca

There are many kind of wiccans and many different kind of practicing it, but all of us share many common things. In next, we will tell you few basic rules of wicca, which of most wiccans do believe in, but may express them in several different ways.

Important fact to remember is that as some of the wiccans may be witches, but all witches are not wiccans.

Two most important wiccan rules are: "Do what you want as long as you don't harm anyone" and the rule of the threefold.

The first rule means that people should do those things in one's life what are right for him or her, but never harm anyone else while doing it. It is obvious that this cannot always happen, but in those situations one's must use his or her's own moral and accept the upcoming consequences.

The rule is threefold goes "Whenever you do good or bad, it will return to you in times three". In common this means, that performing magic aimed for good, good things come to you, and performing magic for bad, bad things will come to you.

Other wiccan rules:

Goddess and god

Wiccans believe, that there is feminine and masculine side in deities, which tend to live in balance as a equal forces. One therefore should try to find balance within by looking for both masculine and feminine elements inside one and try to respect them.

Import to know is that this does have nothing to do with sexual habits. Everyone has these qualities, some more on hand than others.

Respecting nature

Wiccans respect nature and the principle that we should not take more than we need from the surrounding world. They want to take card of our enviroment and in modern day one can achieve this example by recycling, not buying unnecessary objects and reserve energy by not using a car.

Spiritual freedom

Everyone has their own right to select their beliefes. Wiccans don't believe spreading a religion by converting people's beliefes nor have need to change one another beliefs of deities.

Personal responsibility

You are responsible of what you do and say. Personal responsibility means also taking responsibility how you affect others life. You should still remember that there are also limits in doing that.

Other people's feelings and deeds following them are people's own responsibility. Honesty is important thing in personal responsibility. Making choices without consering it's effects on other people feeling may sound hard, but in the longer timeline it causes less nuisance than you pretending of being something else that you are.

One should also be careful not to interfere with other people's things. You can always support and show compassion to them (and you should), but things in other people's lives are in their own responsibility.

Growing as a human

Growing and developing must be taken care of your whole life. You must acquire the skills you need so you can life full life.

We are our own priests and priestesses

Each individuals have talent and right to be in contect to the divine. We don't need people to act as our middlemen, priest-caste, to tell us who or what to worship or why, how and when. We can ability to agree in ourselves of these things.


Wiccans celebrate eight different seasonal festivies, which are called sabbaths.

Samhain, 31.10, pagan year change, Yule 21.12, Imbolg 2.2, Oestara 21.3, Beltane 1.5, Litha 21.6, Lammas 1.8 ja Madron 21.9.


Wiccans believe in magic and practice it. It is a true force, which life of your self and your people close to you can be changed. Using magic should always consider thorough. Motto could be: "Be careful what you wish for".

You must fully understand the possible results of using magic, when you consider using it. Doing magic, you must be very sure, that you are using precise thing to help with the problem you are bounded with.

Law of Power

Power, energy, is a holy gift from goddess and god and it should never be used for evil purposes. Power must not be used for harming, hurting or controlling anyone and it can be only used when needed, and for using it noone should never ask for a payment. Do not use the force for reaching for a glory, and even when you use power for your own benefits, consider it well through before using. Using a power for self benefits is not in the principles of wicca.

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